Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's a Burden I Must Bear

Someone in this world has to have the cutest grandkids in the world. I guess that I am that person. The kids surprised me and took all of the grandkids to get their picture done together. I was so happy to get these pictures. Trisha got there early so she had extra pictures done of Miss Effie. It's so cute that Andrwe's boys are all superheroes. Ther is Batman, Superman and Spiderman. R.J. wanted to be the guy that delivers all of the boxes to his house, thus he is the UPS man. Sad but you can't really see Maxyne's costuem. She is holding her new cousin so proudly. She is a 50's diva. Effie is a spider. She hates her costume and everytime Trisha puts it on her she cries. I think that mommie learned to try the costume on the child before buying it. You can bet she will next year. Thanks to my girls for pulling this off. Grammy loves it.


Anonymous said...

Hello Melissa, Yous sure do have have great looking grandchildren. The UPS costume is sheer genius!! I love it. And Heber and Amy are looking great too! See ya.

Keeping Up With the Joneses said...

You do have cute grandkids. It must be such a hard burden. ;)