Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas From Mom and Chelsea

Merry Christmas From the Soltysiaks

I am sorry that I do not have a video of Jim. He was on the webcam with Dad when I took these. I will try to get one and get it uploaded.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Merry Christmas to Dad and Amy from Andrew and Kim's Family

Andrew and Kim and their BEAUTIFUL family send the following wishes to Dad and Amy. Notice that I still have the cutest grandkids in the world

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Lights in Vegas

On Saturday night - December 6 - we went to Vegas. We were there for the blessing of our newest addition to the family Steele Jennings Meeks. We went to a place called Opportunity Village to look at Christmas lights and to see if we could find Santa there. We felt so lucky when he we there. Jace and Jesse knew just what they wanted to tell Santa that they wanted for Christmas. The best part of all, Santa told Jace and Jesse that they are on his good list.
Effie was fine on Santa's lap as long as her cousins were there but when she was solo on his lap she looked up to see who was holding her and the tears started coming. It was so funny.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Dirt Trip November 14, 2008

Shannon and Jim have quads and a dirt bike. Jim wanted to have a little family vacation so he arranged for us to rent a toy hauler/trailer and after many, many hours of planning we got together and went to Ocotillo Wells for a long weekend camping trip. Octillo Wells is nothing but dirt. We had a great time. The park ranger asked if he could take pictures of Maxyne and R.J. riding their quads for the 2009 park calendar and map. We will have to get a copy of that. R.J. is only three years old and he commanded his quad after little practice. Maxyne is 9 and is fearless when she rides. This was the first time she had ridden a big quad. She was awesome. Of course I have to talk about my baby, Chelsea. She is 15 and only crashed once. She has such a beautiful bruise on her leg that she is really proud of. It is probably six inches by four inches. There was only one bush out there and she crashed into it. LOL There were really two bushes. LOLOL Thanks Shannon and Jim for planning such a fun weekend.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Colonel does a Duathlon

On Veterans Day Heber did a Duathlon. This entails 5k run; 13k bike; 3k run. I think it is amazing that he is getting so much exercise. Notice the sunrise in the background. It is beautiful.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; Who's the Cutest Baby of All

Effie has a new friend. She is in the mirror. She is so adorable.

Watch out for Spiders

Next time you see a spider look closely before you smash it. There is a new kind of spider. It is called an Effie spider. Don't smash it - it's full of love and smiles.

Auntie Chelsea Trick or Treats with the Soltysiaks

Maxyne called Auntie Chelsea and asked her to go Trick or Treating with her and her friends. Of course it was impossible to say no. So the coolest Auntie in the world went Trick or Treating with the Soltysiak kids. Maxyne's friends are jealous that she has an Auntie Chelsea. They want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trick or Treat? You be the judge

Halloween was quite an event for us. Chelsea decided that she wanted to be Disco Barbie. She wanted a huge blonde fro. Well it was Trisha to the resuce. She made it happen. They had a test session a couple of days before Halloween and it paid off. Thanks Trisha.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's a Burden I Must Bear

Someone in this world has to have the cutest grandkids in the world. I guess that I am that person. The kids surprised me and took all of the grandkids to get their picture done together. I was so happy to get these pictures. Trisha got there early so she had extra pictures done of Miss Effie. It's so cute that Andrwe's boys are all superheroes. Ther is Batman, Superman and Spiderman. R.J. wanted to be the guy that delivers all of the boxes to his house, thus he is the UPS man. Sad but you can't really see Maxyne's costuem. She is holding her new cousin so proudly. She is a 50's diva. Effie is a spider. She hates her costume and everytime Trisha puts it on her she cries. I think that mommie learned to try the costume on the child before buying it. You can bet she will next year. Thanks to my girls for pulling this off. Grammy loves it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Newest pics of Hermana Meeks

I just got these new pictures of Amy. She is so adorable. She has two companions right now. The one in the white shirt is the one she is training.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Maxyne's 9th Birthday Party

The Meeks really know how to party. It has definitely passed on the next generation. Maxyne had her 9th birthday party on Friday. Her birthday happened to fall on the same day as the opening of High School Musical 3. This is a big deal for 9 year old girls. Shannon had the house all decorated for High School Musical and the girls met at her house to have pizza and cake. Then they all loaded up into a limo and took a ride around Poway and then went to the movies in style. After the movies they all came back to the house and partied it up a little longer. They were some pretty excited, happy little girls. She had her cool aunties (Julia and Chelsea there) to keep the party going. Auntie Julia got a train going around the house and then in the limo they kept the party going on. The next morning Maxyne told me that she got everything she wanted for her birthday. She had so much fun. She was on cloud 9 all day.