Shannon and Jim have quads and a dirt bike. Jim wanted to have a little family vacation so he arranged for us to rent a toy hauler/trailer and after many, many hours of planning we got together and went to Ocotillo Wells for a long weekend camping trip. Octillo Wells is nothing but dirt. We had a great time. The park ranger asked if he could take pictures of Maxyne and R.J. riding their quads for the 2009 park calendar and map. We will have to get a copy of that. R.J. is only three years old and he commanded his quad after little practice. Maxyne is 9 and is fearless when she rides. This was the first time she had ridden a big quad. She was awesome. Of course I have to talk about my baby, Chelsea. She is 15 and only crashed once. She has such a beautiful bruise on her leg that she is really proud of. It is probably six inches by four inches. There was only one bush out there and she crashed into it. LOL There were really two bushes. LOLOL Thanks Shannon and Jim for planning such a fun weekend.
On Veterans Day Heber did a Duathlon. This entails 5k run; 13k bike; 3k run. I think it is amazing that he is getting so much exercise. Notice the sunrise in the background. It is beautiful.
Next time you see a spider look closely before you smash it. There is a new kind of spider. It is called an Effie spider. Don't smash it - it's full of love and smiles.
Maxyne called Auntie Chelsea and asked her to go Trick or Treating with her and her friends. Of course it was impossible to say no. So the coolest Auntie in the world went Trick or Treating with the Soltysiak kids. Maxyne's friends are jealous that she has an Auntie Chelsea. They want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halloween was quite an event for us. Chelsea decided that she wanted to be Disco Barbie. She wanted a huge blonde fro. Well it was Trisha to the resuce. She made it happen. They had a test session a couple of days before Halloween and it paid off. Thanks Trisha.